Working at the Speed of Trust®

two women talking

To the untrained eye, trust is hidden.

Individuals can learn to “see” trust and its measurable impact, which allows them to build credibility, strengthen relationships, and work collaboratively to deliver essential results.

When trust is low, people become suspicious, guard communication, speculate, and disengage. As a result, productivity grinds to a crawl, and the costs—whether social, emotional, or financial—increase. We call these trust taxes.

When trust is high, people become confident and communication, creativity, and engagement improve. As a result, productivity speeds up and costs decrease. We call these trust dividends.

Working at the Speed of Trust helps individual contributors strengthen their trust signals in every relationship to convert trust taxes into trust dividends and propel themselves and their team further, faster.

Introducing Working at the Speed of Trust with Stephen M. R. Covey:

Free Guide

10 Phrases Leaders Use to Build Trust With Team Members

Building a culture of trust starts with a shared vocabulary of simple, yet powerful phrases that leaders use to express gratitude, offer compassion, and provide support.

Register for an Exclusive Webcast

Stephen M.R Covey & Liz Wiseman

Stephen and Liz will discuss their research and best practices to develop leaders people choose to follow.

Trust is a function of two things: Character and competence.

Character includes your integrity, your motive, and your intent—as seen at the bottom of the model. Competence includes your capabilities, your skills, your results, and your track record—the top of the model. Leaders will discover how to use the 4 Cores of Credibility and the 13 Behaviors® of High Trust to accelerate their team’s results.

trust character competence

Course Details

Working at the Speed of Trust consists of three sessions and is available in multiple learning modalities, each includes reinforcement microlearning. An optional fourth session is available Live In-Person or Live-Online for intact teams who have completed a Speed of Trust course.

The Case for Trust

  • “See” the impact of trust on speed and cost of work to convert trust taxes into trust dividends.
  • Understand that credibility and behavior are always connected for individuals to model high-trust.

Be a High-Trust Contributor

  • Model personal credibility, demonstrate high-trust behaviors, and avoid counterfeit behaviors to generate trust dividends.

Extend, Restore, and Develop Trust

  • Prepare for and structure conversations that extend, restore, and develop trust in relationships.

Be a High-Trust Team (optional for intact teams)

  • Discover evidence of high and low team trust through the Speed of Trust Team Assessment.
  • Model credibility and demonstrate high-trust behaviors as a collective team.

How to Experience FranklinCovey Content

This course is included in the FranklinCovey All Access Pass®. This pass provides your organization unlimited access to all of our content, whenever and wherever you need it.

man in glasses and fake earbuds entranced by screen


Dynamic education and development, available online from any location.


Expert education and development delivered face-to-face.


Content available to your people anywhere, any time.

Customer Stories


Image for Frito Lay Customer Story

Increasing Trust to Exceed Expectations

Instead of falling victim to a financial disaster, Frito-Lay exceeded expectations. Economic recession, inflation, and unpredictable weather conditions caused massive price increases in Frito-Lay’s supply chain. They had to move quickly to change their business model. The Speed of Trust® had prepared them with a new perspective and skill set to manage through these unpredictable times.

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